
The INTWAF team focuses its research on two main axes.

Axis 1. Technology, work and family

This line of research concerns the management of work-life boundaries, particularly in a context:

  • of constant connectivity (smart phones, tablets)
  • of telework and work from home during a pandemic (e.g., Zoom, space and time management at home)
  • of colliding social worlds on social media (e.g., Facebook audience and content strategies)
  • of surveillance (e.g., electronic monitoring of employees, AI, algorithmic work, face recognition, social credit system in China)

Axis 2. National context, work and family

This line of research involves comparative studies and in-depth country analyses. More specifically, it is about examining how the centrality of work and family in life, work-family conflict and work-family balance are impacted by:

  • culture (history, religion, cultural values e.g. Hofstede, GLOBE, Schwartz)
  • structure (e.g., governance, public policy, education system)