
Photo de Marie-Colombe Afota

Marie-Colombe Afota is an Assistant Professor at the School of Industrial Relations at the Université de Montréal. She holds a PhD from HEC Montréal, as well as an MBA from ESSEC Business School and a master’s degree in social and work psychology from University of Paris VIII. She has a 10-year business experience as a market & opinion researcher. Marie-Colombe’s research focuses on supervisor-subordinate relationships, overwork, workaholism, employee well-being, and remote work. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including Human Resource Management Review and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and has been presented at various international conferences such as the Academy of Management (AOM) annual meeting, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) annual conference.

Photo of Tammy D. Allen
Allen, Tammy D.

Tammy D. Allen is Distinguished University Professor at the University of South Florida. Her research is focused on individual, organizational, and societal factors that relate to employee work-family experiences, career development, and wellbeing. She is the author of over 130 peer-reviewed journal articles that have received multiple awards including the 2013 Best Paper Award from Personnel Psychology and the 2021 Schmidt-Hunter Meta-Analysis Award from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She has held a variety of elected service roles, including president of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Psychological Science. In 2021 she received the Herbert Heneman Jr. Award for Career Achievement from the Academy of Management Human Resources Division.

Beham, Barbara

Barbara Beham is a professor of Organizational Psychology and Cross-cultural Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2014. Before joining HWR Berlin in 2014, she was an associate professor of Gender & Diversity Management at Technical University Berlin and an assistant professor of Gender & Diversity Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Prior to her professor positions, she spend two years as a post-doc working in an EU funded research project on quality of work and life in Europe at the University of Hamburg. She got her doctoral degree in 2006 from the University of Linz/Austria, after having spent two years working as a research assistant at the Department of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School in Barcelona/Spain. She participated in various cross-cultural research projects on the quality of work and private/family life and the impact on employee well-being.

Photo of Ameeta Jaga
Jaga, Ameeta

Ameeta Jaga is an Associate Professor of Organisational Psychology in the School of Management Studies at the University of Cape Town and a non-resident Fellow at the Hutchins Centre for African and African American Research, Harvard University. Her research focuses on the work-family interface relating to culture, race, class, and gender. Ameeta’s current research projects deal with understanding how gender equality (via breastfeeding at work) is understood in 21st century South Africa. Her works draw on southern theory to prioritise context while underlining global inequalities in knowledge production, and she has published in academic journals across disciplines including Gender, Work and Organisation, and International Breastfeeding Journal.

Photo of Ellen Kossek
Kossek, Ellen Ernst

Ellen Ernst Kossek is the Basil S. Turner and University Distinguished Professor at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management and holds a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Yale University, an MBA for the University of Michigan and a Bachelors’ degree with honors in psychology from Mount Holyoke College. Her research has won many awards and examines leadership and strategic initiatives to advance gender equality, work-life equality, and implementing flexibility policies and remote work as to foster diversity and inclusion. Ellen is the first elected President of the Work-Family Researchers Network and elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management, APA, and SIOP. She has also been appointed a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and been a visiting scholar at the University of Bologna;  several major universities in the U.K. including an upcoming 2022 Fulbright on flexibility, gender and careers; UNISA in Australia, and served on IESE’s work-family and women’s leadership advisory board in Barcelona, Spain. She led in writing a report for the U.S. National Academy of Science on the effects of COVID-19 on the work-life boundaries of Women in STEMM Scientists.

Lavoie, Charles-Étienne

Charles-Étienne Lavoie is a doctoral candidate (Psy.D. and Ph.D.) in work and organizational psychology at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Holder of doctoral grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC), his research interests concern motivation (and passion) as well as strategies for regulating emotions, cognitions and behaviours that favour the conciliation between different roles (such as work and family). In particular, his thesis examines the links between some of these regulatory strategies and the successful resolution of work-life conflict episodes, as well as the implications of these relationships for worker well-being and performance. He plans to pursue a career that will allow him to follow his passion for research while welcoming opportunities to use his knowledge for intervention.

Photo of Emmanuelle Léon
Léon, Emmanuelle

Emmanuelle Léon is associate professor of Human Resource Management at ESCP Business School, Paris campus. Since December 2019, she is the Scientific Director of the Reinventing Work Chair in partnership with Bivwak! and BNP Paribas. Her research projects focus on teleworking, remote management and (new) workspaces. She is more broadly interested in the transformations induced by digital technology and artificial intelligence on management, a subject on which she published in 2018 a book with C. Dejoux (Editions Pearson), nominated in 2019 for four awards, including that of the French Ministry of Labor. She regularly participates in academic and professional conferences on these subjects, in France and internationally. In addition, Emmanuelle Léon was a visiting fellow at ILR (Cornell University) in 2011, and participated in the International Teachers Programme (ITP) at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in July 2010.

Photo of Chang-qin Lu
Lu, Chang-qin

Chang-qin Lu is a tenured research professor in the School of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Peking University. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the Institute of Psychology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. His research focuses broadly on work stress, career management, and leadership, with interests in job insecurity, self-efficacy, spillover and crossover effects of work-family conflict/balance, and issues in cross-cultural/national stress research. His work has been published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Computers in Human Behavior, Acta Psychological Sinica, and others. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Applied Psychology: An International Review, and is an editorial board member for some international journals.

Photo of Gabriele Morandin
Morandin, Gabriele

Gabriele Morandin is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Department of Management of the University of Bologna, Italy, where he is also Director of the Bachelor in Business Administration. He received the Ph.D in Management in 2005 at the University of Bologna and he has been Visiting Scholar and Research Assistant from 2004 to 2006 at the University of Michigan, USA. His research is focused on sustainable relationships both at work and off-work. Gabriele seats on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vocational Behavior and gained awards both for research (Outstanding Reviewer 2010, Academy of Management Meeting, MOC Division; Best Paper Award 2012 – XIII Italian Conference on Organization Studies; Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2018, Journal of Vocational Behavior; Best Reviewer 2019, European Management Review) and teaching (100% Overall Students Satisfaction, for the Organization and HRM bachelor course in 2012, 2016, 2020 ).

Photo of Ariane Ollier-Malaterre
Ollier-Malaterre, Ariane

Ariane Ollier-Malaterre is a Management Professor at the University of Quebec in Montreal (ESG-UQAM), Canada. Ariane’s research explores how individuals articulate work and life identities and commitments in the context of technology (e.g., work-life boundaries on social media, work from home, constant connectivity, privacy, and surveillance). Her cross-national research has investigated diverse cultural and regulatory country contexts in Asia (e.g., China), Europe (e.g., France), and North America and has been published in academic journals across several disciplines including management (e.g., Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Human Relations, Human Resource Management Review), sociology (e.g., Annual Review of Sociology), and information systems (Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of the Association for Information Systems). She leads the Technology, Work, and Family research group of the Work and Family Researchers Network and received the Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research.

Photo of Xavier Parent-Rocheleau
Parent-Rocheleau, Xavier

Xavier Parent-Rocheleau is an Assistant Professor of human resources management at HEC Montreal, Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in human resources management and Organizational Behavior from the University of Quebec in Montreal (ESG UQAM), Canada, and he has been Visiting Scholar at the Curtin University, Australia. His research is focused on algorithmic management of the workforce, workplace surveillance, quantification and datafication of work, and leadership. His work has been published in influential journals of inter-disciplinary field such as Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, Public Administration Review, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Journal of Business & Psychology, and Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology.

Pellerin, Sabrina

Sabrina Pellerin is a Ph.D. candidate at ESG UQAM, and holder of the Joseph-Armand-Bombardier doctoral scholarship awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Her thesis, under the supervision of Professor Julie Cloutier, focuses on the risk factors associated with the psychological health of managers, particularly the various aspects of the management and supervisory role. Her master’s thesis focused on the psychological mechanisms underlying the effects of rewards on psychological health. Sabrina also acts as a research assistant on various projects regarding psychological health and is a lecturer in human resources management. She cherishes the idea of becoming a professor to continue teaching and carry out beneficial projects for the workplace and its workers.

Ashkan Rostami is a Ph.D. candidate in management (OB) at John Molson School of Business, Concordia University. Ashkan has a background in engineering and holds an MBA from the University of Tehran. One of his main research interests is employee-organization relationships, and his master’s research focused on applying data mining methods to predict employee turnover and to identify the most prominent factors affecting employee turnover in an Iranian industrial group. He also studies human-technology interactions (both inside and outside of the workplace) and the effects of these interactions on different aspects of employee’s lives. His Ph.D. research focuses mainly on changes in the work environments and work arrangements (enabled by technological developments), and how these changes affect the relationship between the employee and the organization.

Photo of Marcello Russo
Russo, Marcello

Marcello Russo is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Bologna, Italy and Director of the Global MBA at Bologna Business School. He is an expert on work-life balance, with a focus on which individual strategies and organizational factors can help individuals accomplish their ideal model of work-life balance. His research has been published in academic journals including Harvard Business ReviewJournal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior (where he served as Associate Editor), MIT Sloan Management ReviewHuman Resource Management Journal, and Human Resource Management Review. He has gained significant teaching experience at post-graduate and Executive level in the following areas: Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Leadership, and Change Management. He has also attended the 2019 International Teachers Program (ITP).

Former members / Alumni

Photo of Luc S. Cousineau
Cousineau, Luc S.

Luc S. Cousineau is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Université du Québec à Montréal’s International Network on Technology, Work and Family (INTWAF), and instructor at the University of Waterloo. His research is divided between the study of employee surveillance software (“Bossware”) and masculinity, men’s rights, and leisure online. Luc’s research centers gender and power relations in work and leisure spaces, with a particular focus on how masculinities are understood and interact with lives online. Using qualitative and digital ethnographic methods, Luc has written on the ethics of platform-based quarantines, leisure and digitality, and Geo-Social Networking Applications (GSNAs). His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including Digital Ethics, AG – AboutGender, and Leisure Sciences, and as chapters in several books, including Rise of the Far Right: Technologies of recruitment and mobilization.

Photo of Jan Nolwenn
Nolwenn, Jan

Nolwenn Jan is an intern in the International Network on Technology, Work, and Family as part of the “Consider research” program at ESG UQAM. After over 10 years of working in graphic design and web design, she decided to change her career path and will soon be graduating from UQAM bachelor’s degree in business administration. She plans to complete a master’s degree in management sciences, with an organizational development specialization, starting in 2022. She is particularly interested in the influence of group effect on the motivation and mobilization of employees in remote work settings.

Photo of Jichang (Jason) Ma
Ma, Jichang (Jason)

Jichang (Jason) Ma is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Peking University. Majoring in industrial and organizational psychology, he is interested in the topics such as technology in the current workplace, work-life balance, and other related topics. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from East China Normal University. He has 6 years’ full work experience as a middle school teacher and human resources manager in education before entering the Ph.D. program. His work has been published in Computers in Human Behavior and Journal of Adolescence.

Picture of Tasha Sarrazin-Audras
Sarrazin-Audras Tasha

Tasha Sarrazin Audras is a Ph.D. Candidate in management at ESG UQAM. They have a particular research interest in topics such as identity, work-life balance, alterity, discrimination, and other related topics. Their experiences as a parent and entrepreneur are key motivators to continue their passion for research on these topics. Their master’s thesis focused on the subjective experience of fathers who took a long parental leave. Their thesis is based on self identification and focus on the experience of fatphobia in work environments. They cherish the idea of becoming a professor and to contribute to a better understanding of the experiences of minority groups in relation with their work environment.

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